Saturday, January 5, 2013

Week 9: We're Getting Closer to the First Trimester Homestretch!

Aaah, I'm a bit late in posting this.

Gosh, I'm already almost 10 weeks, will be on Monday.  I told S we officially have a fetus, and he laughed.

As for me, not a whole lot is going on.  I managed to snag a week off from work to just relax.  The way my nausea was going, it was making it hard to focus on my tasks and get things done without worrying if I was going to upchuck or have to rush off to vomit.  So I wasn't any real help to anyone at work.

My next appointment is on the 11th, I'll be about 10.5 weeks when I go in.  S is coming with, in case they use the Doppler and we're able to hear baby's heartbeat (I also keep reminding myself we may not, and that it's not indicative anything's going wrong...I has pudge, so it may make it harder to hear at 10.5 weeks).  After that, clothes shopping with my SIL and a friend :D and one of my SIL's friends (who is ALSO preggo).

So my symptoms are starting to hit that point where they're subsiding.  My nausea isn't so overpowering anymore, and I'm not waking up queasy as often.  My heartburn is making a comeback, which SUCKS.  My boobs aren't as tender anymore, but damnit they're starting to get itchy all the time.  I finally outgrew one of my bras and had to put on a bigger bra I had laying around.

Unfortunately, even though this means I'll luck out from having morning sickness my entire pregnancy, it's making me panic.  All I've had are my symptoms to keep me grounded and from panicking over every little thing.  With them starting to subside (which is NORMAL at this point), it is pushing the freak-out button.  At some points, it's enough to make me cry, because all I want is to enjoy my pregnancy, not freak-out over every little possible thing.  So, yeah, my biggest fear is losing the baby at this point.

But, I'm getting better at managing the panic.  I just know I'm about to hit that limbo of not really having many symptoms and not quite looking pregnant yet.  So it's difficult not to freak-out.

I'll feel better once I feel baby kick and move in there.

I'm also starting to get more noticeable round ligament pains, OUCH.  If I sneeze, move wrong, stretch wrong, get up too fast, it's like I pulled a muscle and it hurts.  Ugh!

But in a few weeks, I'll be in my second trimester.  Gosh, I'm already almost halfway through my third month.  Time really is flying by!

Obligatory belly shot :) Belly is starting to round out a bit now, granted it's still mostly bloat, but damn it looks so different from when I was only 4 weeks preggo.  I can't wait for it to get that characteristically hard pregnant belly look instead of the rounded bloated look, hah!

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