Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 11: Birthday! and Anatomy Scan Date!

That's right!  I had my birthday the other day (the 17th) :D I'm officially 21!

To celebrate, my friends took me to Total Wine and I bought my first bottle of alcohol.  No, I didn't drink it, LOL.  I gave it to S, and he's been enjoying it.

Looking like a hot mess.  Hell yeah.

Other than that, I just kinda relaxed the day away.  I had a week off from work, so I wanted to savor my last few days before having to go back.

My nausea is starting to kick in during the morning and at night.  I was tossing and turning last night because I felt so sick to my stomach.  The only way I was finally able to fall asleep was on my back.  Ugh, not fun.  Especially once baby gets too heavy for that.

I have some gloriously huge preggo boobs now.  They're only a touch tender now, they've finally settled down, but god, they're still getting huge.

My anatomy scan!  It's already been scheduled!  March 11th, I'll be getting my anatomy scan at 10:30 in the morning.  I'm so excited!  I'll be exactly 19 weeks when I go in.  I can't wait to find out what we're having.  I keep hoping I have a girl; every time I dream about baby, I dream of a girl.  But all of the silly gender prediction tests and the Chinese calendar tell me I'm having a boy.  So!  We shall see!

Belly shot taken yesterday!  At 11w4d :)

I've deflated a bit, LOL!  Now I'm just looking like a hot, fat mess.  Aaaah, oh well.  My uterus should be lifting out of my pelvic area soon, so hopefully it'll start turning into a baby belly soon.

And because I decided to draw something cute, I drew my fursona all preggo and adorable and chibi!

Anyway, see ya next week!

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