Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 15 & 16: Movement!

Gah, I've been REALLY slacking at updating my blog.  Sorry, peeps!

I'm almost 17 weeks now :D

So, other than just normal life stuff, some really interesting stuff has been going on with baby!

So last weekend, exactly a week from today actually, I was laying on my belly while on the laptop.  I was putting pressure on my uterus with the way I was laying, and I got the weirdest feeling ever!  Something just rolled in there, like it was rolling away from the pressure.  Of course, because it felt weird, I changed positions and it stopped.

Curious, I tried imitating the position again, managed to, and it didn't happen again.  Then, a few minutes later, I felt something push...PUSH...out against my uterus then pull back in.  Like a little foot.  And in a different spot.  That's when I KNEW it had to be baby.  Didn't feel like gas and didn't feel like my bowels doing...bowel things.

I smiled.

That was at 15 weeks!

Time for 15 week belly shot!

So roll on over to 16 weeks.

I'm feeling baby move more and more.  I'll get what feels like little bubbles popping in my uterus or a little worm crawling under my belly.  There starting to get more defined too.  I had another moment of what felt like a little foot pushing out, like baby was stretching, then curling back up, so pulling their little foot back in.

The other night I was on Skype with a friend (also pregnant and due very, very soon!), and my uterus was stretching on my right side, could feel some minor round ligament pains.  And then, on my left side, I got more of those little rolling flutters.  Which makes sense that it was baby!  Most of the movements I felt have been gravitating towards my left side.  I'll get some movement in the middle, but it ranges between middle and left.  Occasionally on my right side.

I also realized I'm starting to LOOK pregnant.  I noticed it in my reflection when at work today.  Made me smile.

I also think we're having a girl, if the old wives' tales have any merit.  I have been CRAVING sweet and sugary things.  My table is just covered in candy, and I can't help myself!  And everything keeps telling me we're having a girl.  I even referred to the baby as a her today when talking to a coworker and that felt so...right.  We find out in about 2 weeks, so excited!

And here's my 16 week belly shot :)

See you guys all next week!

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