I've been kind of lack at posting this on time. At the time of posting this, I'm 10w6d. Ahaha, keep posting late.
My appointment on Friday went really, really well. S came this time, so did one of my friends. The nurse practitioner (she'll be the one taking care of most of my appointments, since what's convenient for me isn't the same time my OB's around; we've talked about this) tried picking up the heartbeat with the doppler. We couldn't pick it up, so she went through and did my pelvic exam/pap smear.
Ugh, I did NOT like the pap smear. My cervix has gotten SO sensitive since becoming pregnant. When she swabbed my cervix, I had flashbacks to when I terminated my first pregnancy. It was so upsetting, it felt pretty similar, so I had to keep myself from having a pretty bad anxiety moment. I just kept reminding myself that she wasn't ripping my baby out of me, and that everything was okay.
AFTER THE PAP SMEAR, she did the pelvic exam and was able to push my uterus up. When she did this, she tried the doppler afterward, and we managed to pick up the heartbeat! She said it was in the 140s range. After hearing it, my anxiety went WAY down. Especially after having the flashbacks.
S absolutely lit up when he heard the heartbeat, and his smile touched me.
After my appointment, we went back to our place, and my friend and I got together with my SIL and her friend and did some running around. Went to Buy Buy Baby and looked at some baby stuff, then my friend and I went to the mall and I went and FINALLY bought some maternity clothes!
Got two pairs of leggings. A shirt with a design on it. A tank top. And two three-quarter sleeve shirts. The leggings are SO comfortable, and I love running around in them. Wearing the maternity clothes makes all of this feel more real, since, whether I wanted to admit to it or not, my normal clothes aren't nearly as comfortable as they used to be. Which is a little saddening, but to be expected.
I went to Wal-Mart later, with my friend, and her boyfriend, after S went to work, and I ended up buying a onesie. I caved. I've avoided looking at baby stuff, well in regards to myself, because buying anything would make it more real. So I caved and bought the onesie. It's currently sitting on our recliner. I got pretty emotional when I bought it too.
Anyway, that's about it. Getting closer and closer to being done with this first trimester. My symptoms are finally subsiding, they're not so overpoweringly strong anymore, which is AWESOME. Though I am waking up every three hours or so to pee, which is not awesome.
Belly shot time! I deflated a bit, haha.
Thank you! :)